When it comes to selling your structured settlement, you can either be a fool or you can make your sale foolproof. Use these helpful tips for selling your structured settlement and make sure you not only have the best experience possible, but also get the most money!
A fool would…fall for glitzy advertising. When foolish people decide to sell their structured settlement for cash, they look no further than their TV set. They see funny or flashy advertising and immediately call the number on their screen, without so much as considering other options. What these people don’t realize is that the company with the best advertising is not necessarily the best company to buy their structured settlements, and they may end up getting less than what they deserve.
Foolproof tip: Don’t choose the structured settlement buyer with the best advertising; choose the one with the best reputation. Selling your structured settlement is one of the biggest decisions you will make in your life; don’t approach it lightly. Perform your due diligence, check out all your available options, and do an online search of your top picks to find out what other customers have to say about their experience – you may be surprised at what you find!
A fool would…sell his or her structured settlement to buy a Ferrari. While purchasing a car that can provide you with transportation to a new or better job is definitely a prudent way to spend your cash payout, frivolous purchases such as fancy sports cars or expensive vacations are most certainly not. Some structured settlement buyers are focused only on making a sale, not representing the best interests of their customers. If you’re dealing with one of these structured settlement buyers, you might end up selling your structured settlement for the wrong reasons and be worse off in the long run.
Foolproof tip: Deal with a company that has your best interests at heart. When selling your structured settlement, it’s essential that you do it for the right reasons. A reputable company will work with you to evaluate your situation and reasons for selling, ensuring the choice you make today will set you up for a better future.
A fool would…settle for less than they are entitled to. Working with a structured settlement buyer that focuses on quantity (i.e. transacting as many sales as possible) as opposed to quality (i.e. making sure their customers get the best deal) can lead to cash payouts that are less than what you deserve. A company that prioritizes quantity over quality of sales needs to attract a lot of customers, and they do this through expensive advertising. While this makes those structured settlement buyers easier to find, it also raises their cost of doing business, a cost that is passed along to customers in the form of lower payouts.
Foolproof tip: Get the most money you’re entitled to by working with a structured settlement buyer who puts their customers first. At RSL Funding, we invest in our customers, not pricey advertising, offering some of the highest payouts in the industry. Our customers are so thrilled with their experience that we’ve built our stellar reputation through word of mouth, not advertising, and are able to keep our costs low and payouts high.
A fool would…regret selling their structured settlement. Those who sell their structured settlement for the wrong reasons or work with a structured settlement buyer that doesn’t act in their customers’ best interests are destined to regret their decision. Check out this list of complaints from customers who sold to the wrong structured settlement buyer and are now in worse shape than before they decided to sell.
Foolproof tip: Work with a trusted structured settlement buyer who will help you develop a financial strategy that will set you up for success. A reputable structured settlement buyer will help you evaluate your reasons for selling and provide the guidance to ensure the investment you make with your lump sum pays off in the long run. People who sell structured settlements for the right reasons will not only be happier with their decision, but also improve their life circumstances for the better.
If you’re ready to sell your structured settlement or are simply looking for information, give RSL Funding a call at web_phone or request a quote today to work with a reputable structured settlement buyer who’s on your side.