Many people who are receiving regular payments from a structured settlement rely on the settlement funds to pay general living expenses. But what happens when life throws you a curve ball and the money you’re getting isn’t enough?
Maybe you need a large lump sum of cash to cover an unexpected expense. Or perhaps you want to put your settlement funds towards making a career change or starting a business. Others may need to cash in their settlement funds to get out of debt. No matter what your reasons are for needing access to your structured settlement payments, RSL Funding may be able to be help you get back on track.
Go Back to College
Agnes always had dreamed of being a physician’s assistant, but when she became pregnant in high school; she chose to raise the child, putting her education on the back burner. She managed to ascertain her GED, but works the graveyard shift at the local convenience store to make ends meet. Then, disaster struck when she was in a car accident and sustained a major injury. She won a lawsuit, and was awarded a structured settlement which helped some, but did not cover all her medical bills and day-to-day expenses. Agnes decided to take her fate into her own hands and called RSL Funding to get her settlement funds converted into a lump sum of cash. Now she has enough to cover tuition expenses and child care. Agnes has since earned her Associates degree at the local community college and has enrolled in the university to complete her Bachelors.
Start a Small Business
From a young age, Stella displayed a rare gift for working with clay. She developed her craft as she matured, and grew into one of the most successful potters in her region. At the height of her career, she was in a car accident and sustained injuries to both her hands. Though she was lucky enough to regain some mobility, she would never again be able to fill the requested orders. After winning a structured settlement in court, she decided to share her talent with others by opening an art studio. Stella decided to contact RSL Funding to sell her settlement funds to get the money to rent space and purchase more potter wheels, clay, and materials. Instead of working with clay exclusively, now Stella is shaping and molding students into a new generation of potters.
Keep Your Home
Hard times have fallen on Jason. As a general contractor, business was booming until the housing bubble popped a few years ago. Though business is just now starting to turn around, he’s behind on his mortgage—on a house he built for family. He held out as long as he could, but now his savings are drained and he’s received another notice from the bank. He missed his mortgage payment for the second month in a row. Several years prior, Jason was named as a beneficiary of a non-qualified annuity and had been receiving monthly payments, but nowhere near enough to cover his mortgage.
Instead of letting the house he built with his own two hands slip into foreclosure, he decided to do something about it. A friend recommended RSL Funding and said they could help him get out of debt by purchasing his non-qualified annuity, so Jason made the call, and after a few weeks, he was back in the good graces of the bank and paid of his mortgage completely.
By reaching out to RSL Funding, you can join the ranks of people like Agnes, Stella, and Jason by using the structured settlement funds to turn your life around. Don’t stay up late worrying how to get on the path of financial success. When you’re ready to make the change, contact RSL Funding today for a free quote.