If you’ve ever received a quote from a company wanting to buy structured settlements and thought to yourself, “Is this it?” you’re not alone. Many people looking for a structured settlement buyout have been disappointed with their quote, but chose to go through with the sale anyway believing it was their only option.
The truth is: You don’t have to settle for a quote that is below your expectations. The larger structured settlement buyers, with high fixed costs to pay, will often low-ball customers with initial quotes and pressure them into a sale that is not in their best interest. At RSL Funding, we operate differently. Running on a lean cost structure, our philosophy is to focus on providing our customers with the highest possible structured settlement buyout, not generating income through volume and low payouts.
Want to get the most money from your structured settlement buyout? Here are four tips to help you become a more prudent seller and outsmart the ‘big guys’ trying to get you to sell for less than you’re entitled to:
Avoid Big Advertisers
Never, ever sell your structured settlement to a structured settlement buyer that advertises frequently. If you’ve seen an ad on TV, or heard one on the radio, know that this particular company has paid big bucks to ensure you did – big bucks they will recoup by selling you short on your structured settlement payments. Simply because a structured settlement buyer advertises frequently does not mean they are the best company to do business with – it simply means they spend a lot on advertising. Somebody has to foot the bill for this expenditure; typically, it ends up being their customers in the form of lower lump sums.
For a genuine representation of what a structured settlement buyer is all about, check out testimonials from real, live customers and decide for yourself if that’s the type of company you would like to work with.
Avoid Pressure-Sellers
A sure way to tell if your structured settlement buyer has low-balled your structured settlement buyout quote is if they pressure you into selling right away. High-pressure selling is a sure sign you’re dealing with the wrong structured settlement buyer. If you receive a quote you’re not satisfied with, don’t allow yourself to be pressured into selling right away.
Instead of trying to force a sale, your structured settlement buyer should provide helpful guidance and show a genuine interest in your particular circumstances; in short, a reputable structured settlement buyer will want the best possible outcome for you, not for them. At RSL Funding, we review each customer’s situation on an individual basis and help him or her decide if a structured settlement buyout is the right choice.
If You Feel Like Part Of An Assembly Line, Not A Person, Look Elsewhere
Big structured settlement buyers looking to pad their bottom line will shuffle you through the process much like you were a part of an assembly line. This lack of interest in your particular situation and circumstances can lead to outcomes that are not in your best interest and a structured settlement buyout far below your expectations.
At RSL Funding, you’re never treated as just another line on a balance sheet. We recognize that each person looking for a structured settlement buyout has their own story and set of circumstances that make their case unique. We evaluate each and every customer and ensure not only that selling their structured settlement is the best decision for them, but also that they receive the highest possible lump sum.
If It Doesn’t Feel Right, It Probably Isn’t
Many people, when selling structured settlements for the first time, have a gut feeling that the quote they received just isn’t right, but lack the experience to back it up. Trust yourself – if you feel that the quote you’ve been offered is below what you’re entitled to, you’re probably right.
If you’re dealing with the right structured settlement buyer, you won’t feel doubt or anxiety – you’ll feel confident and proud of yourself for making a decision that will positively impact your future. At RSL Funding, we ensure all our customers are making the best decision before a structured settlement buyout; by making the best decision from the get-go and selling for the most money possible; there are never any ‘funny’ feelings or regrets.
Ready To Sell? Let’s Get Started!
If you’re ready for a structured settlement buyout or are simply looking for advice to see if selling is the best course of action for you, contact RSL Funding today for a no-obligation quote. Call web_phone or request a quote to get the most money for your structured settlements or annuities.