Chance favors the well prepared; beat summer storms and sell annuity payments to help prepare you and your family for the unexpected (and potentially devastating) weather that Mother Nature can conjure up in the summer time.
While few have forgotten the utter ruin left in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Hurricane Ike in 2008, even less-damaging tropical storms can require fast cash to ensure the safety of loved ones. Recently, Tropical Storm Bill grounded flights for days throughout southern Texas – imagine if your flight was one of them. Would you have had the money to put your family up in a hotel for several days? Worse, if you came home to a flooded house, could you afford the cleanup? Summer storms don’t have to be devastating on a national level to deliver a fatal blow to your finances. By selling annuity payments, you can ensure you have adequate funds on hand to protect yourself and your family should your circumstances be upset by summer storms. To help your cash go even further, we’ve provided several suggestions in this blog post as to how you can save on severe weather preparedness this summer.
Buy in Bulk, Preferably On Sale
If you live in an area prone to summer storms, get to know the items that are absolute must-haves should you find yourself in a disaster scenario. Food and water are givens, but also give consideration to needs specific to your situation and family, such as medication or items of clothing that will be needed if you are forced outside. Keep your list as sparse as possible, listing only those items you will absolutely need to survive for several days.
Once you have your list ready, it’s time to go shopping. Don’t just run out and stock up at the first store you find; dig around, do your research, and make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck. Wholesale retailers such as Costco are great resources for emergency supplies as they sell large quantities of everyday items at drastically reduced prices. If you don’t have a wholesaler nearby, look for coupons featuring the items you need and buy them as they come on sale.
Purchasing a quantity of supplies large enough to sustain you and your family for several days can be very pricey; however, putting off the purchase only heightens your chances of getting caught unprepared – the time to worry about how you will survive the storm is before it hits, not after. If you lack the financial resources to pay for enough supplies to adequately prepare your family, selling annuity payments can help you get the cash you need right now to ensure you can protect your family when disaster strikes.
DIY Home Repairs and Storm Hacks
There are a variety of ways you can stormproof your home before a hurricane or tropical storm hits by using clever storm hacks available online. After the devastation of Katrina and Ike, preparedness experts began sharing their knowledge online to help average citizens outfit their homes with the proper defenses for summer storms.
To save money, try out these storm hacks on your own without hiring expensive contractors and builders. Many of the hacks have DIY versions using common materials that can be found in most local hardware stores. To cover the cost of hacks that are a little more expensive or best left up to professionals, consider selling annuity payments. By investing in summer storm preparedness now, you could potentially save thousands of dollars by avoiding the heavy costs of rebuilding after a storm.
Rebuilding After a Storm
Once a storm hits, there is very little that can be done to protect your property except to sit back and hope for the best – especially those living in low-lying areas that tend to get hit hardest. However, there are definitely things you can do to make the process less traumatic for you and your family.
Many people, when forced from their homes due to severe weather, lack the means to provide adequate accommodation for their families (such as a motel) and must stay in ad-hoc refugee centers, which are crowded, uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous. If you lack the funds to keep your family in a motel for several days – or even weeks – selling annuity payments can help you cover those costs. Keep in mind, the process for selling annuity payments can take a couple weeks – the time to sell is not after a storm when you find yourself homeless, but before the storm. Protect your family from the dangers of displacement after severe summer storms by selling annuity payments and ensuring you have the cash on hand to properly prepare for even the most devastating summer weather.
If you’re considering selling annuity payments for cash, or are just looking for information to see if selling is the right choice for you, call RSL Funding at web_phone or request a quote today!